Energy Clearing A Must!

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Energy clearing A must!

Are you an Empathic person who feels things very strongly? This can mean a friend may reach out to you in distress and you gravitate towards them.
You may notice something in public on your way to work that may upset you even if it is for a split second, these things can
stay with us and manifest. You maybe working as a practitioner or a light worker where you are helping people in their life. Alternatively, you maybe experiencing someone who keeps popping up in your mind and wont leave you alone depleting you of your energy. All of these things accumulate and stack up till we feel exhausted. I know this because I have experienced this in my past. I wanted to help everyone and saying no was difficult. There came a time I had to listen to inner world.

Take An Energetic Breather and step back for a moment

There are wonderful methods of healing to clear this kind of energy. Within my work as a psychic and medium, I also encompass this within my sphere as a healer. addition to my other services for people and their pets. I have experienced many healing sessions to be healed myself. Its a wonderful process. At the end of the session I felt like a huge weight had lifted. There are many tools to use to keep ones aura clean and clear from negativity.

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